Incomplete Wonder

The prologue of this series is opened by the ancient mythological mountain, Buzhou, whose name itself signifies ‘incompleteness.’ Legend has it that Mount Buzhou once served as the sole connection between the realms of humans and the divine. When it fell, the worlds of gods and humans became separated, leaving behind only the evidence of the divine in the vivid and ethereal stories passed down through time. In the series ‘Incomplete Wonder,’ Artist seems to attempt to transport us back to an era when gods and mortals walked together. A sculpture in the form of a Christmas tree is ironically named ‘Mount Top’ invoking thoughts of the towering biblical Tower of Babel, which, too, was destroyed by the gods—a recurring theme in the myths that have been passed down through generations. The artist also endeavors to unlock ancient memories encoded in our genes through painting. These images appear as if they were cave paintings, offering glimpses into the lives and beliefs of humans thousands of years ago. Natural materials such as clamshell powder, buckskin glue, and Dunhuang mud are integrated into the texture of the paintings, connecting humans to history and resonating with the natural world.